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-You will respect your classmates, teachers, and the equipment. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

-You will walk to the designated stretching area for your class and be seated in your assigned spot by the time your teacher arrives.

-You will leave your jewelry in your locker.

-Locker Room Behavior Rules:  You will get dressed into your P.E. clothes in the locker room each day. Once you are dressed, you will sit and wait until you are dismissed. You will keep your hands to yourself and not touch the belongings of any other person.

-Consequences for locker room behavior issues:  If you are not following the locker room rules, you will be called into the P.E. office.

  • 1st Offense-an after-school detention will be assigned

  • Each Additional Offense-an office referral will be issued

No-Dress Consequences

-1st and 2nd no dress:  Dress grade is lowered 1 full letter grade each time

-3rd, 4th and 5th no dress:  Dress grade is lowered 1 full letter grade and an after-school detention is issued

-6th no dress:  You will be sent to the office and a referral will be issued

-If you misplace your P.E. uniform, you may wear a gray T-shirt and black shorts (for 3 days or fewer).

-Borrowing another classmate’s uniform is not allowed & will result in a no dress.


Tardy Policy

You will receive a tardy if you are late to the locker room or to the designated area for your class without a pass.

-3rd tardy and each additional one:  Lowered participation grade and an after-school detention.



A student’s grade will be the sum of three categories. These categories carry different weights and are listed below.


25%- Dress Grade:  Dressing out in the required Liberty Middle School uniform (black shorts with Liberty logo and gray T-shirt with Liberty logo and your name on each). On cold weather days, you may wear sweatpants/shirts.

25%- Tests: Tests will be taken the last week of a unit. Testing is at the discretion of each individual P.E. teacher at Liberty. Some units do not require a test. Copies of all study guides Coach Harlin’s tests can be found at

50%- Participation:  Behavior, attitude, warm-up and activity for the day. Full and active participation is the primary measure of a student’s grade. A maximum of two points will be awarded each day in class; one point for completing the entire warm-up and one point for being actively engaged in the daily lesson through participation.


All participation points will be lost for:

1. No dress/non-active

2. Any unexcused absence/truancy   

3. Insubordination              

4. Fighting

5. Destroying any school property

6. Removal from class



-If you have an injury or any other circumstance that prevents you from dressing out, a parent note (for 2 days or fewer) or a doctor’s note (for more than 2 days) will be required to excuse you from dressing out.


-If you need to miss a full week of P.E. due to a medical condition, you will need to make up the 10 daily participation points missed for that week. Students will accomplish this by completing an article review. I will supply the criteria and it can also be found on my website at Students will complete one article for each full week missed. For example, if a student is medically excused for 5 weeks, they will be required to do 5 articles. Students may use the P.E. class period to work on these.



-If you miss class due to an in- or out-of-school suspension, you are required to make up the participation points missed daily. For example, a 3-day suspension requires the student to complete 3 articles. It is the responsibility of the suspended student to gather the necessary criteria and to turn the article in on time in order to receive credit. The criteria can be found on my website at


Fitness Testing

We are required by District 7 to test every student’s physical fitness level grades K-8th.

-6th graders are required to test twice a year.

-7th graders are required to test twice a year and have results turned into the state.

-8th graders are required to test once a year.

-Each student will complete the timed mile, sit & reach, curl ups & push ups.


Class Motto



Contact Information

Jackie Harlin

(618) 655-6800 ext. 22129


Please sign and return this section


I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Liberty Middle School P.E.


Student Name (please print):______________________________________


Parent Signature: _______________________________________________


Student Signature: ______________________________________________

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